Category:The Book of Zakat Kitab AlZakat in Sunan Abu Dawoud

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List of Chapters in The Book of Zakat Kitab AlZakat

Combined Book Name

The Book of Zakat Kitab AlZakat*Sunan Abu Dawoud Belongs to the following Combined Book Name

The Book of Zakat Kitab AlZakat Summary

  1. Umar Bin AlKhattab said to Abu Bakr How can you fight with the people until they say There is no God but Allah so whoever says There is no God but Allah he has protected his property and his person from me except for what is due from him and his reckoning is left to allah
  2. Abu Saeed AlKhudri reported That the Apostle of Allaah as saying No sadaqah zakat is payable on less than five camels on less than five ounces of silver and on less than five camel loads wasq
  3. Thereupon Imran got angry and said to the man Do you find in the that one dirham is due on forty dirhams as Zakat and one goat is due on such and such number of goats and one camel will be due on such and such number of camels He replied No
  4. Those Muslims who are asked for the proper amount must give it but those who are asked for more than that must not give it
  5. It contained For five camels one goat is to be given for ten camels two goats are to be given for fifteen camels three goats are to be given for twenty camels four goats are to be given for twenty five to thirty five camels a camel in her second year is to be given
  6. If the number exceeds by one up to seventy camels a camel in her fourth year is to be given if they exceed by one up to seventy five camels a camel in her fifth year is to be given if they exceed by one up to ninety camels two camels in their third year are to be given if they exceed by one up to one hundred and twenty two camels in their fourth year are to be given
  7. If they exceed by one up to three hundred three goats are to be given if the goats are more than this one goat for every hundred goats is to be given
  8. Narrated Malik The statement of Umar Bin AlKhattab Those which are in separate flocks are not to be brought together and those which are in one flock are not to be separated means Two persons had forty goats each when the collector came they brought them together in one flock so that only one goat could be given
  9. Narrated Muadh Ibn Jabal When the Prophet sent him to the Yemen he ordered him to take a male or a female calf a year old for every thirty cattle and a cow in its third year for every forty and one dinar for every adult unbeliever as a pol Altax or cloths of equivalent value manufactured in the Yemen
  10. Suwayd Ibn Ghaflah said I went myself or someone who accompanied the collector of the Prophet told me It was recorded in the document written by the Messenger of Allah not to accept a milking goat or camel or a suckling baby as zakat on animals and those which are in separate flocks are not to be brought together and those which are in one flock are not to be separated
  11. My father sent me to a group of them so I came to an aged man called Sar Ibn Disam I said My father has sent me to you to collect zakat from you
  12. One should not give an aged animal nor one suffering from itch or ailing and one most condemned but one should give animals of medium quality for Allah did not demand from you the best of your animals nor did He command you to give the animals of worst quality
  13. Zakat Kitab AlZakat On The Place Where Zakat Is To Be Paid Hasan Sahih Al Albani
  14. They used to give as much honey as zakat as they gave to the Messenger of Allah
  15. He said The Messenger of Allah commanding us said When you estimate take them leaving a third and if you do not leave or find a third leave a quarter
  16. Abdullah said When Umar Allah be pleased with him succeeded and the wheat became abundant Umar prescribed half a sa of wheat instead of all these things
  17. Abu said Alkhudri said When the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him lived among us we use to bring forth zakat on closing the fast of Ramadan one sa of grain or of cheese or of barley or of dried dates or of raisens payable by every young and old freeman and slave
  18. Then he said did you not know Umar that a mans paternal uncle is of the same stock as the father or his father Zakat Kitab AlZakat Payment Of Zakat In Advance Before It Falls Due U U D U A U D U U E U F U U U U U U U U U U U U U A U A U A U U U U U U U U A
  19. When he returned he asked Imran Where is the property He replied Did you send me to bring the property We collected it from where we used to collect in the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah and we spent it where we used to spend during the time of the Messenger of Allah
  20. Narrated Ata Ibn Yasar The Prophet said Sadaqah may not be given to rich man with the exception of five classes One who fights in Allah path or who collects it or a debtor or a man who buys it with his money or a man who has a poor neighbour who has been given sadaqah and gives a present to the rich man
  21. Narrated Samurah Ibn Jundub The Prophet said Acts of begging are lacerations with which a man disfigures his face so he who wishes may preserve his self respect and he who wishes may abandon it but this does not apply to one who begs from a ruler or in a situation which makes it necessary
  22. He then said Begging Qabisah is allowable only to one of three classes a man who has become a guarantor for a payment to whom begging is allowed till he gets it after which he must stop begging a man who has been stricken by a calamity and it destroys his property to whom begging is allowed till he gets what will support life or he said what will provide a reasonable subsistence and a man who has been smitten by poverty about whom three intelligent members of his people confirm by saying So and so has been smitten by poverty to such a person begging is allowed till be gets what will support life or he said what will provide a reasonable subsistence after which he must stop begging
  23. He the Prophet asked Have you nothing in your house He replied Yes a piece of cloth a part of which we wear and a part of which we spread on the ground and a wooden bowl from which we drink water
  24. A man or us said We took the oath of allegiance to you now on what should we take the oath of allegiance Messenger of Allah He replied That you should worship Allah do not associate anything with Him offer five times prayer listen and obey
  25. Abd Allah Bin Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah May peace be upon him said when he was on the pulpit speaking of sadaqah and abstention from it and begging the upper hand is better than the lower one the upper being the one which bestows and the lower which begs
  26. Anas said when some meat was brought to the Prophet SAWS he asked What is this He was told this is a thing meat which was given as sadaqah to Barirah
  27. Abu Hurairah reported that Messenger of Allah SWAS as saying If any owner of treasure gold and silver does not pay what is due on it Allah will make it heated in the Hell fire on the Day of Judgment and his side forehead and back will be cauterized with it until Allah gives His Judgment among mankind during a day whose extent will be fifty thousand years of your count and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell
  28. If any owner of camels does not pay what is due on them they will appear in on the Day or Judgment most strong and in great number a soft sandy plain will be spread out for them they will gore him with their horns and trample him with their hoofs there will be none of them with twisted horns or without horns
  29. He the narrator said to AbuHurayrah What is due on camels He replied That you should give the best of your camels in the path of Allah that you lend a milch camel you lend your mount for riding that you lend the stallion for covering and that you give the milk to the people for drinking
  30. The Messenger of Allah said he who has a spare riding beast should give it to him who has no riding beast and he who has surplus equipment should give it to who has no equipment
  31. He then said to him Let me inform you about the best a man hoards it is a virtuous woman who pleases him when he looks at her obeys him when he gives her a command and guards his interests when he is away from her
  32. Abdulrahman Bin Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him said The Messenger of Allah asked Is there anyone of you who provided food to a poor man today Abu Bakr said I entered the mosque where a beggar was begging I found a piece of bread in the hand of Abda AlRahman which I took and gave it to him Zakat Kitab AlZakat Begging In The Mosques U U U A U U U U U U D U A U D U F U U U U U U U U U U U U U A U A U U U U U U U U A
  33. Narrated Abu Saeed a AlKhudri The Prophet said If any Muslim clothes a Muslim when he is naked Allah will clothe him with some green garments of Paradise if any Muslim feeds a Muslim when he is hungry Allah will feed him with some of the fruits of Paradise and if any Muslim gives a Muslim drink when he is thirsty Allah will give him some of the pure wine which is sealed to drink
  34. Abu Dawud said In the version of Musaddad Hassan said So we counted other characteristics than lending the goat to return the greeting to respond to sneezing and remove things which cause annoyance to the people from their path and similar other things
  35. Abu Musa reported The Messenger of Allah as saying The faithful trustee who gives what he is commanded completely and in full with a good will and delivers it to the one whom he was told to give it is one of the two who gives sadaqah
  36. Aishah reported The Messenger of Allah as saying When a woman gives some of the property from her husbands house not wasting it she will have her reward for what she has spent and her husband will have his for what he earned
  37. Sad said When the Messenger of Allah SWAS took the oath of allegiance from woman a woman of high rank who seemed to be one of the women of Mudar rose and said Prophet of Allah SWAS we are dependant on our parents our sons
  38. Anas said When the verse You will never attain righteousness until you give freely of what you love came down Abu Talhah said Messenger of Allah I think our Lord asks us for our property
  39. Abu Dawud said I have been gold by an Ansari Muhammad Bin Abdallah that the name of Abu Talhah is Zaid Bin Sahal Bin AlAswad Bin Haram Bin Amar Bin Zaid Bin Manat Bin Uodi Bin Amr Bin Malik Bin AlNajjar and Hassan Bin Tabit is son of AlMundhir in AlHaram
  40. He said May Allah give reward for it if you had given her to your maternal uncles it would have increased your reward Zakat Kitab AlZakat On Doing Kindness To Near Relatives Sahih Al Albani
  41. Asma daughter of Abu Bakr said I said Messenger of Allah SAWS I have nothing of my own except what AlZubair her husband brings to me in his house should I spend out of it He said Give and do not hoard so your sustenance will be hoarded

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